Category Archives: protein pancakes

Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes

Good Morning and Happy National Blueberry Pancake Day!
Because pancakes are one of my most favorite comfort foods, I felt obliged to celebrate this Friday morning.
Pancakes are some of the most delicious breakfast items and can be very unforgiving in terms of carbo-loading! Not to worry though, these pancakes are completely free of white flour, sugar and fat!
Heart Healthy Oatmeal Pancakes
1 cup of almond milk, skim or water
3/4 cup old fashioned oats
3/4 cup oat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp sea salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup blueberries, frozen or fresh
Note: the original recipe called for heating the milk and doing all sorts of extra stuff, but I wasn’t feeling that was necessary. However, you can try it if you’d like!
Combine all ingredients in a bowl, heat pan or griddle to med heat. These pancakes took a little longer to cook than regular pancakes, just watch them closely and make sure the middle is cooked!
Check out these nutritional stats!
Serving size: 5 pancakes,Calories, 313, Carbs 48.8 g, protein 19.5g, Fat 4.5g, Fiber 6.3 g

I served my oat cakes with sugar free syrup! I was amazed at how full I was after eating these. SO good tasted like a warm bowl of oats!!

Happy Friday!


Filed under blueberry, breakfast, healthy, national blueberry pancake day, protein pancakes


It is true. I have officially lost it. Fallen on the face of God’s green Earth into the abyss of projects, papers, cold weather, lack of sleep, coffee jitters, colder weather, lack of sleep, lack of showers, 12 page papers…..finals.
My life lately hasn’t been exactly great. Finals are like the deatheaters in Harry Potter that suck my soul away. I am nervous, anxious, lazy, sleepy, annoyed.
But, not to worry my friends, the sun will indeed come out tomorrow in which all of this will end.
I am determined to finish this paper, turn it in Thursday morning.
BUT the real kicker lies in what comes after finals….my shoulder surgery. Ah, yes, you thought I was going to celebrate with going out for drinks or eating a nice meal. Nope! Absolutely not. I am going to celebrate with pain killers and sleep for ages, then I will let you know how my life is going.
In the meantime, day in and day out, I have become appreciative of the little things.
Delicious, roasted banana protein pancakes
Creamy nutmeg candles that make my room smell delicious.
Creamy oats with chia seeds that keep me full and focused
(much needed during finals week)
tortilla soup to warm my soul on late nights
I’ll give you the recipe…so easy

Taming Finals with Tortilla Soup
my own recipe creation

1 roasted chicken from publix or your local store, shred all meat and throw away carcass
1 can of fire roasted tomatoes, the diced kind
1 32 oz box of low sodium chicken stock
1/2 c. brown rice, instant kind
1 anaheim chile, seeded and diced
1 small onion, diced
lime, hot sauce, cheese, tortilla chips (for garnish)
1. saute onion and chile with a little salt, pepper and garlic powder in a bit of olive oil
2. throw in the can of tomatoes, saute for about a minute or two
3. add in the chicken stock, bring to a boil and then turn it down to low.
4. add in the shredded chicken
5. pour in half cup of rice
6. simmer on low for about 30 minutes
7. garnish with a squirt of lime, hot sauce, cheese and chips.
This makes a large pot of soup. Perfect reheated.
I am afraid that I am much too lethargic to write anymore.
Perhaps you will see me tomorrow.
Or at least before my shoulder surgery….details to come!

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Filed under oatmeal, protein pancakes, tortilla soup

Cold, Crisp Air meets Hot, Delicious Breakfast

Good Morning! It is cold here in Athens this morning. 45 degrees to be exact! Does anyone else feel that getting out of bed gets harder the colder and darker it is outside? Oh, that reminds me, don’t forget to set your clocks back before you go to bed tonight!
After walking outside to see just how cold it felt I immediately wanted a comfy cozy kind of breakfast.
There was coffee, of course. My love drug.
Oh yes, and TJ’s Pumpkin Butter…so delicous
And there were pancakes, healthy, filling protein pancakes
Topped with pumpkiny goodness and a lil sprinkling of snowflakes (or coconut for those lacking an imagination)
On the agenda for today is:
  • Get as much done on my research paper as possible….its looking quite grim.
  • Go for a run! I’m doing a 5k next weekend! UGA’s Habitat for Humanity Turkey Trot
  • Clean up the apartment
  • More research…ugh.
Off to try my hand at some productivity!
Have a fabulous day!

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Filed under protein pancakes, pumpkin butter, UGA