Category Archives: roasted tomatoes

Breakfast with Buds

This morning I woke up and went to walk at Mountain Park with Mary, my best friend and future roommate!!! YES! We walked three miles, which was more than enough to build up an appetite for breakfast. We decided on good old IHOP and called our friend Lisa to meet us, whom I haven’t seen since leaving GCSU. It was fantastic to catch up over coffee and breakfast (for 3 hours). I love lazy mornings with a hearty breakfast! I hope that we can all get together again. I can’t think of a more perfect morning.
After picking up contacts in Snellville, and sitting in horrendous traffic on Hwy. 78, I headed on home to relax and prepare veggies for dinner! Roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes were present as well as these little babies….
Tadaaaa! Roasted tomatoes with garlic and basil!
While things were in the oven, I went outside to take pictures of lovely flowers in my mom’s garden.
Stunning aren’t they?….FLOWERS ARE LOVELY!

And check out this little cutie pie…

Today was such a nice day. It’s the simple things in life!

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Filed under breakfast, flowers are lovely, IHOP, instant coffee, roasted tomatoes, Snellville